Altar Servers
Altar servers help with the many details that contribute toward a smooth flow of the liturgy.
Training is provided. An altar server has a sincere desire to serve Jesus and to experience
a growth that comes from offering one’s self and one’s gifts and talents for others.
Girls and boys from fifth grade on are accepted for this ministry. Contact parish office.
Church Decoration Committees
The Church Decorations prepares Holy Innocents for the different liturgical seasons and celebrations:
Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, First Holy Communion,
Confirmation, and Memorial Mass. The annual schedule is broken down by dates, so it can be spread among
the committee members. You don’t have to assist for every date. Your commitment level is up to you.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Communion at Mass. Serving the faith community
through this ministry is a great privilege and a humble service. There are monthly assignments
for regularly scheduled Masses as well for Christmas and Easter.
Some Extraordinary Ministers bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound members of our parish.
They are trained in the theology of the Sacrament of the Eucharist and in the communication
skills needed when visiting the sick or homebound.
You must be a fully initiated Catholic (received baptism, first communion, and confirmation) and
at least sixteen years old to perform the duties of a Eucharist Minister.
Ministers of Hospitality greet people at Mass, assist in seating, accept the offerings of the people, and direct
the assembly at special gatherings. Anyone who has been confirmed may serve in this ministry.
The first part of the Mass, Liturgy of the Word, focuses on the Scriptures. The lector is the minister who brings
to life the words of the Scriptures for all to hear and hopefully take to heart. Since the lector proclaims not just
any word, but the word of God, it is essential that he or she has or is willing and able to develop the skills
required to communicate God’s message competently. All lectors will be trained and provided the
materials to facilitate the process. Any confirmed person who is willing to commit to the
role of the lector may become part of this vital ministry.
Music Ministry
The choir members, cantors and instrumentalists engaged in the Music Ministry lead the congregation in sung prayer
for Sunday Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
The Adult choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 7:15 pm and sings at the 11:00 am liturgy on Sunday.
The Junior choir practices at 6:00 PM on Wednesday and sings at the 9:00 am mass on Sundays.
The Teen Choir includes those in 7th through 12th grades. Rehearsal is on Saturday at 4:30 pm
and they lead the Saturday vigil mass at 5:15 pm.
If you would like to participate in this ministry as a singer or musician, please contact the music director,
Joe DeSanctis at jdesanctis@gmail.com. All are welcome and anyone is eligible to participate.