Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry offers information and encourages understanding, acceptance and growth
to those who have recently experienced the death of a loved one. An eight-week support group, facilitated by trained leaders, is offered annually.
Are you experiencing grief after the death of a loved one?
These dark, dank winter days only add to your feeling of loss.
Sometime it is helpful to find comfort and support as you grieve with others who have been through a similar experience.
Holy Innocents is offering a Bereavement Support Group for anyone laden by grief.
The group will meets on Thursday evenings, please see the bulletin for dates and times.
It is not limited to parishioners of Holy Innocents, all are welcome. We do need a minimum
of 6 people, so please feel free to offer this information to others who might benefit from participation in the meetings.
If you are interested or would like additional information, please contact the parish office.
In November we also celebrate a Memorial Mass for parishioners and loved ones who died in the past year.
Communion For The Homebound:
If you have a family or neighbors whom you know would like to receive Communion and/or have a visit from our priests
or a Eucharistic Minister, please call the Parish Office at 769-0025 and leave their name, address and phone number.
Food Pantry
The Interfaith Food Pantry, located at the Methodist Church in Pleasantville, collects food and money for needy families
in our community. Food is collected throughout the month at Holy Innocents and is organized and stored at the Food Pantry.
The Food Pantry is very grateful to the parishioners of Holy Innocents for their continued generosity. Our parish continues to
provide food items to those who are in need. All food donations must be delivered to the Parish Office during office hours.
Do not leave donations in the entrances to the Church. Please check expiration dates on all donations.
All food must be in their original packaging. NO PERISHABLE ITEMS.
Giving Tree
During Advent, parishioners donate gifts for needy families.
Moms Group at Holy Innocents
This group focuses on a range of initiatives to support mothers and babies both within our Parish
and the wider community. Through this we hope to:
provide relief for pregnant women in need
offer support groups for new and expecting mom
foster a stronger sense of community for families
advocate for broader family-friendly policies and improved maternal outcomes
and much more!
If you are interested in getting involved, contact Adriana Umlawski as asel4451@gmail.com
Knitting and Crocheting Group
The Holy Innocents Knitting group meets the first Thursday of every month in the social hall
conference room at 7:30 PM. No experience necessary: we are happy to teach you. We are working on
several charity projects. For more information, please contact the Parish Office.