Sunday Greetings (just barely, getting this out a bit late today!),

My greeting today is primarily in video form, here is a link from the live-stream this morning.

A few additional details to note, however:
1) We will begin public Masses starting tomorrow. But we are going to start slow. Here is the liturgy schedule for this week:
7 am Mass on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (no Masses on Tuesday or Thursday)
5:15 pm Saturday Vigil
the usual Sunday Masses at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 5:15 pm

2) All high-school aged youth are invited to join in the activities of the Youth Group. All parents of participating youth, please send an email to so that you can receive email updates regarding events.

3) Please say a prayer for our youth who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this week! What a special moment for them, for their families, and for all of us.

4) Please also join the friars in praying for the following people who are fondly remembered in our Mass intentions for this week:
Anthony Pasquale,  Thomas Treacy,  Arthur Olivieri,  Antoinette Gesualdi,  Julia Brady,  Rose Marie Prestopino
Rita Pozzio,   Louis Sarro,  Richard Zeoli,  Roslund + McSweeney Family,  Rafael Modesto Farina

Blessings to all. Continued thanks to all for your generosity and kindness. Stay in touch,

Fr. Luke